Home > Blog > June 24, 2014 – Silhouette, Coyote Buttes Wilderness, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona
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June 24, 2014
Silhouette, Coyote Buttes Wilderness, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona

Coyote Buttes Wilderness, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona, USA
Canon EOS 1D X, 70-200 f2.8 IS II (at 90mm), 1 sec, f8, ISO 100
Image taken on February 20, 2014.
What do you do when you head out in the morning to make landscape images with spectacular color on the wonderful clouds and there are no clouds? The answer is: take advantage of the conditions to make striking images anyways. For this image, I was quite disappointed that there weren't any good clouds at sunrise because I had had to drive about 45 minutes in the dark to get into position. Fortunately, there was a nice orange glow on the horizon to the east, so I looked for an interesting foreground to silhouette. By using a relatively long 90mm for the composition, I maximized the amount of orange sky in the image.

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