Home > Blog > March 14, 2014 – Frosty Bison Bull in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

March 14, 2014
Frosty Bison Bull in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Frosty Bison Bull
Frosty Bison Bull
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D X, 600 f4 IS II, 1/350 sec, f8, ISO 800
Image taken on March 13, 2014.
This looks like a simple image of a bison in the snow, but a lot of factors had to come together for this image to work. First, it's a nice mature bull with a big wide head and not an immature bull or female with a narrow head. Second, he was standing roughly at eye level in a non-distracting environment. Third, the light frost on his face creates some additional interest and helps define the otherwise dark head. Fourth, both of his eyes are open. An animal with its eyes closed isn't nearly as exciting as one with its eyes open, and shortly after I made this image, he closed both of his eyes.

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