Home > Blog > May 14, 2012 – Bison Calf in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

May 14, 2012
Bison Calf in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yesterday, my fourth day in Yellowstone National Park, was quite different. In the morning, I went to the same part of the park that was good yesterday, and it was eerily quiet. No bears, just a few bison, and no serious wildlife watchers of photographers. I felt like I had missed the memo about where the action was going to be.
Bison Calf
Bison Calf
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4 & 1.4x III, 1/500 sec, f8, ISO 320
Image taken on May 13, 2012.
In the afternoon, I went to another part of the park, and it was better. I discovered an orphaned bison calf on a gravel bar in Soda Butte Creek (above). It must have been born earlier in the day because its umbilical cord was still full of blood. There was a small herd of bison cows and calves about 1/4 mi (400 m) upstream, and we speculated that the calf probably fell into the creek and got swept downstream. The area is a hotbed of wolf activity, so I waited hoping some action would develop. The bison herd left and headed up the hill away from the creek. Later, the mother came back to look for the calf, but searched the area where the herd had been and likely where the calf had fallen into the water. Then the bison mother headed back up the hill to rejoin the herd. Just before sunset, a lone wolf came down from the area where the herd had gone. The photographers and videographers were macabrely hoping that the wolf would find the calf because it was in a great position so we could capture the action. The wolf checked the area where the herd had been, and where the bison cow had searched for her calf, but then the wolf crossed the creek and headed up the far hill. The calf was spared, but I'm not sure you can call being alone on a gravel bar for your first night a good thing.

Yesterday was also Mother's Day in the US, and I don't think the bison mother, nor her calf, enjoyed the day. Maybe having Friday The 13th fall on Sunday this year effected things.

I got up at oh-dark-thirty this morning so I could return to the calf by first light. When I arrived, it was still alive on the gravel bar, so the wait began for "some action." … Still waiting at 11:00. …

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May 14, 2012, 12:21 PM
by Gordon
Sad but a fact of life. Kinda makes you feel like papparrazi?

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